Monday, December 18, 2006

Too many coffees = Sunrise over Auburn

I think I had too many coffees at work on Saturday night, so I had difficulty getting to sleep. Still awake at 5am I saw the sun starting to come up so I made my way over to Auburn where I had been want to get some shots of the iconic Auburn Gallipoli mosque. It is quite a beautiful building inside but I was more interested in its silhouette and the sunrise. Spot the moon if you can.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Playing with fire

On the same trip as the last shot was taken I was enjoying getting familiar with exposure lengths, having finally gotten around to taking my digital SLR off auto and learning how to use it to the maximum capacity. Playing with fire is fun...

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Welcome to my photos

Friends suggested that I should start displaying my photography efforts outside of the genre of panoramic pictures, so this blog will be to that effect. I hope you enjoy the journey...

This one is from a trip made to a friends beautiful house down in Captains Flat. I had fun playing with exposure lengths to get the water to blend into one misty stream. A nice effect I feel.